Oi minha familia!!!
First of all, ... Yes, I received the cookies!!! mmmm!!! There
were sooo many
! haha. So i shared with my district. Maryann's cookies were only
shared with my room of sisters. Much too good for elders!!! hahaha ... Just kidding. It was one of the elders' birthdays so I brought the cookies and
we sang happy birthday to Elder Wright! (yeap, we have an Elder Wright, here! haha) and he was so happy and
opened it and it had my name on it with the note "WE love you Sister Yoshimoto!" LOL. It was funny. and everyone got a cookie or two ... even our
awesome teacher! yay!
I received your letters!! I looove getting dearelder.com letters!!! because I can read them and not have to
wait for Pday!! haha. yay! I
got Uncle Chucky's letter and I really appreciated him writing!!! Thank
you so much! I love your advice and will definitely enjoy my time whereever I
am sent! I don't know if I'll need a phone card... no
one has mentioned anything yet.
I'm happy to hear about mom's
plants!! yay! Maybe you should get one of those mesh cover things for
the burning plants so that only some sun gets through, but not enought ot
kill it! D: Send me pics please!! :D I love pics! of the house and
your plants
and you guys and Rusty!! I miss him! Tell him I didnt abandon him
okay!!! :(
Happy belated birthday to Uncle Chucky and Travis and Happy Fathers Day to Dad! I don't know if I got to write
this all or not last week--it was so crazy! haha. I hope you got
my card I had Emily give you! :D haha.
Oh and Mom! That Chinese
story--you can insert it here--so cute! I really like that, because that
is basically what God does for us. We dont have to be perfect. We just
have to do the best we can, and He will make our flaws and weaknesses
into strengths
if we rely on Him. I love that. And I'm definitely depending on that because I have a lot of flaws and weaknesses--more than I thought I had
Weird story -- So I've never worn
shoes for more than like 6 hrs at a time (during school) and I really am not fond of shoes..... but flip flops aren't allowed here ...
So my toes have been numb since the first Saturday here.... like not
numb. theyre still alive. but I think cause I wear shoes almost
constatnly, that like the top layer of foot is just dead.. hahaha not. They"re just sleeping. but I was super scared at first cause I
thought I got bit by something and was like "I'M GONNA
yeah.... I hate shoes.....
OH YEAH, Dad! What
you were saying about the work for the dead and the ancestors guiding us
and helping
us. You were spot on!! Well, I mean, it was just realy cool what you
said cause literally 2 days before, our branch president or 2nd
counselor or someone was talking to us about how he believes that
since we know we are guided/helped by angels as we
do God's work, he believes that they are not just our ancestors, but
the ancestors of those we will be teaching. They are helping us, and
working on their descendants so that they can be brought to the gospel
and have their work done for them. This is such
an important work--so important that it isn't just about us, but those
who have already passed away without the opportunity to accept it. I
thought that was such a reassuring and amazing thought ... and it was even
cooler that you said the same thing. Amazing
My comp and I occasionally go
through rough patches here and there, but we are starting to work well together. She stil struggles with the language and
has a hard time accepting help, but she is improving and I let her know. I don't remember
who told me this, I think Travis, but yeah, when I ask my comp for her help, it helps
her a lot cause then she doesn't feel like its just one sided and its
easier for her to ask for my help. So yeah, thanks guys. I'm learning so much already about myself and how to deal with
other people. I really needed to learn this. I never realized how prideful I really am. I never gave it much thought even when you all said you had to learn this when you were missionaries. It doesn't really matter who is right or wrong, but we just have to give up our pride for the sake of the Lord's work.
Anyway. I am working on that.
trabalho em progredir--as we say in Portuguese haha. I really do love Portuguese! It was harder when I was doing the Pimsleur, because I was like ugh! WHY IS PORTUGUESE SO UNNECCESARILY COMPLICATED?!? But I've come to learn to love it--it's such a cool
language. I've kinda plateaued but I'm still
hoping to get better. I wanna go out and just teach
already! I know I'm far from ready for that but I am tired of being in
a classroom!!! haha.
I'm really excied to get reassigned. I don't know. I just really realy really
would love to experience the English speaking stateside work. I really can't
wait!!! I definitiely want to go to Brazil too, but I really wouldn't mind going to
stateside mission for a bit.
The Sunday Worldwide training thing was awesome!! I
really liked it alot! At first I was thinking, "Wait, where's the big
announcement!? Where's the "China is opening" or "translating sealed part
of the scriptures" hahaha. Just kidding. but I was wondering. I'm actually
really excited about this because it means we're working to finish all
we've been given first, before we are given more to work with. I'm
excited for the church building tours! So cool! and the Facebook?? We
were joking around: "Dear Sister Yoshimoto, You
have been called to serve in the MTC Facebook Mission." hahaha. It's pretty exciting!!! I wasn't on the
camera ): Sorry guys haha. but just seeing that all the prophets
were there in the same room as me!! INSANE! I love this place.
ahhh!! Running out of time! This is crazy. but yeah I'm doing well! Really loving it here! A little
claustrophobic in the classroom sometimes but I'm learning lots. Teaching is a little frusttrating, because I can't understand a lot still but I guess that's why
we're here.
Thank you guys for writing to my comp !! Maybe just 2 or 3 times a week though. hahaha. She says "I'm getting more letters from your family than from mine. ): hahahaha She's joking but yeah. Thanks guys! That's really nice! :) I think it
definitely made
her day when she got them. I was like awwwww my family's so cool. :))))
haha. Not out loud though .lol.
I LOVE getting letters and quotes from you all!! and I'm trying to
reply to people! Sorry if I dont get around to it, but I do get the emails
and letters and I love them!! Miss and love you all!!!!!
-Sister yoshimoto
-I see sister Cutia a lot here! She came up to me and said "Do you remember me!? I said yeahh!! Sister Cutia!! Thanks for giving me her first name. I felt really bad but I'm glad we're all just "sister" here sometimes haha. That is cool, Dad, that you were the Cutia's home teacher.
-Elder Tolman, an elder in my
district---has a twin brother also in our zone, one classroom down,
going to Brazil in another area. Theyre really cool and his older
brother is currently serving in--COLUMBUS OHIO! haha. soo coool!! I really like the Elders
Tolman, as we call them haha. Ask Elder Merkley if he knows Elder Tolman! Small world. haha.
companion, ... Her mom served in Sevilla Spain!! She's from England so she would have had an accent ... and her name was
Sister Pietroforte. Served in the early 80's. Mom, I don't know when you served, but I
think it was around the same time?!? haha. Sooo cool! I just thought that was pretty random! I don't know if you knew her but
what a coinkydoink!